HR consulting
in e-commerce & digital
Advice on building and developing an organizational structure. Identify key competencies in the team.
HR Assistant
on an hourly basis
In case you do not have specialized HR resources in your company or these resources are insufficient.
Specialized in the field of e-commerce & sales and marketing recruiter, find the right candidate for your company.
Access to
candidate databases
Access to thematically profiled databases of job-ready candidates. Finding specialists quickly.

<center>By cooperating with us you will gain</center>
We have nearly 20 years of experience in E-commerce, specializing in E-commerce & Sales & Marketing recruitment. We are practitioners with experience that we put in your hands.
We have the knowledge and tools to accurately examine the competencies of candidates. We deliver candidates who know how to improve your company’s performance. We are lowering the turnover. Taking responsibility.
We use our experience and contacts. We are developing a community of specialists, we operate on relationships. We have our candidate bases ready.
Specialization and experience make us transfer the first candidate within 7 days. On average, recruitment takes between 4-6 weeks.
THREATS.Our network of referrals and developed Candidate databases, gives you access to high quality verified professionals. You make the right decisions.
HAPPENING.Within 7 days you will receive the first candidate. We use our experience and resources to make the recruitment process take less time.
EFFECTIVE.You avoid recruitment mistakes. You know which candidates have the necessary competencies. A long search for an employee is an unnecessary cost.

We help companies grow!
We drive business growth by providing strategic and operational support. We are ready to join the work at any stage, finding the right people to match your expectations in terms of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills.
- 200+ projektów rekrutacyjnych zakończonych sukcesem
- 5.000+ cv Kandydatów w ponad 20-stu sprofilowanych bazach
- Zespół Rekruterów wyspecjalizowanych w obszarze e-commerce & digital
- Ponad 250.000 odsłon rocznie naszego serwisu
- Posiadamy społeczność 7.000+ specjalistów od e-commerce & sprzedaży i marketingu
- Współpraca z branżowymi specjalistami przy selekcjonowaniu Kandydatów

Digitalx Team
Our experience, market knowledge and understanding of the e-commerce & sales & marketing environment will be of significant value to you.
Our team are specialists in every aspect of e-commerce & sales & marketing recruitment. We equip our employees with the right knowledge and tools to focus more of their time on our clients and candidates. When they have more time for you, everyone is a winner. Each team member has clearly defined roles, allowing for specialization and greater focus on core tasks. We have a team tailored to your individual needs.
They trusted us

Google reviews
<center>Let's talk</center>
Send Us Your Resume
Are you looking for new professional challenges?
We are building teams in E-commerce & Sales and Marketing. We recruit talented individuals and people with great development potential, who determine the pace of development of this industry in Poland.
We’re passionate about connecting people and creating exceptional workplaces, so we look forward to having you join us. We will get back to you when there is an interesting offer that matches your experience.