We are business practitioners with nearly 20 years of experience in Poland's largest online stores
We verify and hire Digital specialists for our clients. Contact us to find out how we can help your company take the next step toward digitizing your business. Our mission is to support small, medium and large enterprises in creating and scaling digital business by providing the best candidates. We work with the Chamber of the Electronic Economy and Dimaq (the international standard for digital marketing qualifications).
We provide practical knowledge
We carry out recruitment projects for specialized, managerial positions, including senior positions to company boards. As part of the recruitment process, we provide practical knowledge of digital marketing & e-commerce. Working with us, you can expect the best examples of market solutions.

We help companies grow!
We drive business growth by providing strategic and operational support. We are ready to join the work at any stage, finding the right people to match your expectations in terms of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills.
- 200+ projektów rekrutacyjnych zakończonych sukcesem
- 5.000+ cv Kandydatów w ponad 20-stu sprofilowanych bazach
- Zespół Rekruterów wyspecjalizowanych w obszarze e-commerce & digital
- Ponad 250.000 odsłon rocznie naszego serwisu digitalx.pl
- Posiadamy społeczność 7.000+ specjalistów od e-commerce & sprzedaży i marketingu
- Współpraca z branżowymi specjalistami przy selekcjonowaniu Kandydatów
Recruitment in e-Commerce - Adam Chudzik

Digitalx Team
Our experience, market knowledge and understanding of the e-commerce & sales & marketing environment will be of significant value to you.
Our team are specialists in every aspect of e-commerce & sales & marketing recruitment. We equip our employees with the right knowledge and tools to focus more of their time on our clients and candidates. When they have more time for you, everyone is a winner. Each team member has clearly defined roles, allowing for specialization and greater focus on core tasks. We have a team tailored to your individual needs.
They trusted us